Kristine McClintock

Front-End Web Developer



A Best Home Inspections screenshot

A website done for a local home inspection business.

Cat Law 4 Cats screenshot

Landing page for Cat Law 4 Cats, the most litigious feline representatives. It's your money and you need it meow.

Cocktail Compendium screenshot

A website that allows you to search cocktails and blended smoothies by name. The API used is TheCocktailDB.

Traversing the Verses lyric quiz screenshot

A 10 question quiz on popular song lyrics with 6 different decades to choose from.

Cookie Ipsum screenshot

A cookie-themed ipsum generator made to make the Citizens DemandTM Cookies website a little more interesting.

Citizens Demand: Chocolate Chip Cookies screenshot

A fake cookie website from a fake brand, in the vein of President's Choice and Sam's Choice products.


I am proficient in HTML 5, CSS 3, and JavaScript / ES 6. I am experienced with Adobe Photoshop, Corel Painter, and Procreate, as well as the vector program Affinity Designer. I have worked with the CSS frameworks Bootstrap and Bulma, and the JavaScript library jQuery. I am currently studying the React framework.

I started as a web designer back in the day, before CSS was widespread and we used tables for page layouts and we were grateful for it. We wrote HTML uphill, both ways, in the snow. We didn't use JavaScript because everyone had it turned off all the time anyways, so what was the point. Java applets reflected on the horizon, cookies were unnecessary and regarded with suspicion, and short TLD's were plentiful. We had counters and guestbooks, and it was before blogging was a real thing.

In other words, my first webpage was on AOL and it definitely had an animated gif.
